Online Part Time Jobs for Students Without Investment

Online Part Time Jobs For Students Without Investment – With increasing technology and evolution of the internet, the whole world has become a global village. With easy and cheapest access to 4G and 5G internet data people are connected with the entire world by sitting in their dorm room. Along with many professions and professionals, Students life have become easy too. And there are endless possibilities for students to make money online by doing part time jobs without investment. They can even do online part time jobs without investment in mobile.

Online Part Time Jobs For Students Without Investment
Online Part Time Jobs For Students Without Investment – Loanvent. Graphic by Kumar Singh

Today with their study many students are doing online part time jobs without investment. Those days are gone when big capital investments and big education degrees were required. These days education or age are no barrier. Be it school students or undergraduate or graduate students, everyone was earning quite handsome money. And if you are an aspiring student who is looking to make money online then you have come to the right place. Here is the list of some of the best online part time jobs for students without investment.

Fiverr is a freelance service marketplace. It has several categories with many available jobs. Which students can use to work online as their part time jobs without investment. On fiverr jobs are called gigs. As a student you can create your gig with your interested field of choice. There are many services on fiverr which do not require any big professional degrees and you can work from home. Some of the fiverr categories for students to do online part time jobs without investment are…

Voice Over

If you are a student and have quite a good voice. Then you may make gigs on fiverr and start your journey of online earning without any investments. With a good gig offer you may get a job from the entire world by sitting in your own room. No matter where you are. You can work from anywhere. There is no limit on how much money you can earn from Fiverr. If you are honest with your job and a little bit talented then only sky’s the limit. You can see big money coming in your way with zero investments.

Video Explainer

Video explainer is in our second list for online part time jobs for students without investment. Nowadays almost every student has a mobile phone and a laptop. So, by using some creative skills students can earn quite a good amount of money by doing this part time job online without investment.

Graphic & Design

Graphic & Design is one of the finest and easiest online part time jobs work from home option for the students. They can learn graphic design skills easily online. And then can use their artistic skills to earn quick money online by doing a part time job on Fiverr. Graphic design skill will open the door of success to the students who have interest in going into the creative field.

However many students are doing it as a hobby. And making online income by working a few hours from their home as a part time job. With Graphic design gig on Fiverr students can create logo gigs to design logos, flyers, business cards, posters, quotes and many more. This is the easiest part time job option for the students to earn money online without investment.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing too is one of the options for students to earn easy money online by doing a part time job. However there are many stories all over the internet that digital marketing requires good time and effort to learn and master. But if you study the basics of it then it seems like the easiest and safest part time job with huge demands in the market.

There is a growing and consistent demand in this field. And this is a vast growing and high demand job. By getting some good skills students can earn good money on the internet from digital marketing. Small to big companies, almost every entity needs to market their product for sustainability and profit. Good companies are always looking for good skillful people who can do digital marketing for them with profitable results.

Writing & Translation

If you are an undergraduate student and your interest is in writing content or story. Then content writing is good online jobs for students to earn money. The best part of this writing & translation job is that if you succeed in giving a positive outcome to your client then you can make quick and way more money than you can imagine. People around the world are always looking for good writers. Who have some creative writing skills.

Writing content gets used in ecommerce business, search engine optimization, to sell products and services and in many more fields. So, if you are the master of it then it should be easy to make money online by doing this part time job online without investing a single dime. 


This is one of the easiest jobs for the students to do part time jobs online. As a student you can be a promoter of someone’s product, and brand and in return you can get good money for your job. The best part of it, it does not matter what your hobby is. If you are good at it then there are always good buyers out there looking to hire you. For example, many girls are making money on fiverr by just using their nail coloring arts. 

Besides Fiverr Some Of The Great Part-Time Job Opportunities For Students Are…

Social Media

Social media can be one of the best online part-time jobs for students to earn easy money online. There are several big to smaller social media companies these days. Some of the big names are Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Koo App, Telegram, Snapchat, Kuaishou, Qzone, Reddit, Quora, and there are many more.

Where on these social media you can use your creative skills to earn money online by working a few hours from your home. You may ask how you can earn money online from social media right? The simple answer is you can be a little creative. And you can make posters, quotes design, short video reels like instagram reels, youtube shorts and such.

Or even you can earn money by posting images too. You just need to make a good fan base and target one specific niche of your choice. Such as beauty, food, travel, fitness, health, yoga, fun outdoors and many more. Just keep posting good content based on your niche and in no time you will start growing with a good fan base.

And then you can use that fan base to promote brands and products. Now the question is from where you will get companies and brands to promote. So the answer is you do not need to worry about it, there are always big to small agencies looking for good social media content. So they can approach you directly on your social media profile and then can make a deal. Or you can promote brands and products from your own friends and family circle or near your local place.


Blogging is also one of the easiest ways for students to earn online income. This may be the best online part time job for students on mobile. They do not need any fancy gadgets, no laptop, no desktop computer, the only thing they need is a mobile phone and internet connection.

However to make money with blogging you need to be consistent and you should have command over your writing skills. With good fresh and new content posting on your blogs you can join google adsense advertising network and upon approval you will see money flowing in your way.


Youtube is the second largest search engine these days. After Google youtube popularity is breaking the internet. People of all age groups, communities, small to big brands, and even a good number of students are making quite a handful of money online.  Youtube is more like an ocean of income and a great number of people are earning huge amounts of money from youtube.

As a student you can join youtube and can make your career in youtube by creating good content in almost any niche. Audiences are huge and youtube is always looking for fresh new content so its algorithm will promote you automatically for your original content. And you can see you can make a good living out of it.

So no matter whether you are a school graduate or college graduate student, you can make lots of money from Youtube by working just a few hours from your home. You don’t even need big gadgets, you can make videos from your mobile phone and can post on youtube. It is as simple as you are looking for.

Just go on Youtube and see how several people are using their mobile phones only to create videos to show their audience their daily lifestyle, their traveling journey, partying, eatout, fishing and endless activities. This is called Vlogging.  So as a student you can do Vlogging on Youtube and can earn good online income.

Online Teaching

With growing demand for online tutoring, students can choose online teaching as their part time job. There is always high demand for good online tutors everywhere. Depending  on your education you can start teaching online to the students of your junior classes. With growing online mentoring and tutoring teaching apps all over the world like…

  • Thinkific – Which is popular in Vancouver Canada.
  • Uplearn – Which is popular in the UK, England and Wales, and London.
  • Brainier – Which is popular in the United States.
  • Udemy – Which is popular in India.

There are several online learning and teaching apps available all around the world. As a student you can join those teaching apps as a tutor to teach online or you can sell your online courses based on your expertise and can make online income.


Although there are endless possibilities for online part time jobs for students without investment. Though as a student it is up to you what interests you more. And in what kind of part time job you are much more comfortable and passionate. Choose the one which you are passionate for and you enjoy working for more. Because if you will enjoy your work then no doubt you will give your hundred percent in whatever you do. And this is the basic requirement for online earning and growing your income. By giving hundred percent your work will stand out of the crowd and shine. And money will follow you accordingly.

Online Part Time Jobs For Students Without Investment FAQs

How Much Money Can I Earn Online by Doing Part Time Jobs as a Student?

If you are good at what you do, then there is no limit to your earning. You can make quite a lot of money. And can make a good living out of it. A huge number of millennials have adopted online careers and are making good money online. Your earning will depend on the field you choose to work for. And on your talent.

What Part Time Jobs Are Good For Students?

Part time jobs which do not require traveling and freedom to work at their will is always a best choice for part time jobs for students. Work from home jobs such as logo design on fiverr, content writing, blogging, and vlogging are some of the most popular part time jobs choices for students.

What Part Time Job For Students in London is Good?

London is a city of high income group residents. So there are many options available for part time jobs for students in London which are quite good paying. Students can choose to work in the cafe, in the retail stores, or even they can choose online teaching as their part time job in London.

Which is The Best Online Part Time Job for Students?

There are many online part time jobs for students. And some of them are, Content writing, Logo design, Web design, Social Media Marketing, Online Teaching, Freelancing on Fiverr, the opportunities are endless these days.

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing is self-employment. Working from home and oneself than working for an employer is freelancing. You work with various clients as independent working professional and in return you get money from the person or company you give your service or you work for them. Which they are called your clients.

How  Students Can Earn Money Online?

Students can earn money online by working part time or full time by various sources. Such as…

• By Taking Up Freelance Jobs on sites like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer.
• By Tutoring Online
• By Doing Social Media Work
• By Content Writing
• By Making Youtube Videos

The choices are endless.

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About Kumar Singh

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Kumar Ravishanker Singh is a Founder, Editor, Creative Director, and Content Creator. He holds a bachelor degree from University of Delhi (DU), India. And a diploma from University of Cambridge, England, United Kingdom.

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