5 Ways To Avoid Default On Private Student Loans

Avoid Default On Private Student Loans: Students do take loans for their education. Some students are lucky where their parents assist them in securing the student loan for their education. And during the study period or within the student’s loan period their parents either pay the entire education loan amount or they help their childrens to pay their student loans. But there are very few parents who help their kids to repay their student loans. In developed countries like the United States of America, there are a large group of students who have taken private student loans to complete their education.

Private student loans interest rates and EMIs are often little higher than the federal student loan. Therefore private student loans put an additional financial burden on the students. However by being responsible any student can save themselves from defaulting on their private student loans. What they can do to save themselves from default on private student loans, well here are some practical tips which can help students to save themselves from defaulting on their private student loans.

5 Ways To Avoid Default On Private Student Loans
5 Ways To Avoid Default On Private Student Loans- Loanvent. Graphic by Kumar Singh

Be Responsible To Avoid Default On Private Student Loans

Once you have taken an education loan for study then you must understand that you are serious about your study and you owe some amount to lending companies which you need to repay on time. So, never ever be carried away from the unequal students group and from their lifestyles. Often it has been seen that many students fall into their social pressure to maintain a lifestyle which they cant afford and due to these common mistakes student’s study do suffer heavily.

Their need for money keeps growing to maintain the level of standard they have been surrounded with by their colleagues.  We are not saying that you should not be social with your fellow students, we are just trying to make a point that you should know about your financial situation. And somehow you should compare yourself with your fellow students whether your financial situation can afford that lifestyle which is being impressed and carried away with. It will always remind you why you had taken a student loan and what was your end goal. The end goal was always to complete your education.

Control Your Unwanted Expenses

When you need money for any reason then no one in this world will come forward without any reason to help you. It is you who can help yourself and will find a way to manage your money. Then what is the point of wasting money on unwanted things which can be easily ignored and avoided. Say no to something which is not necessary. Such as going to a pub, going to an excessive party, shopping to impress someone or adopting a luxury lifestyle which you can’t afford. Just ignore these things and surprisingly you can save a lot of money each month which might help you to repay your student loan.

Do Part Time Job or Work From Home Freelance Jobs

Technology has changed the world forever now. It has brought tremendous opportunities for everyone to earn money, make additional income and to create a source of passive income. Based on your capabilities and interest you can choose to work from home by doing some freelance work. Or you can do some part time job around you. Who knows your part time job or work from home sooner or later might end up becoming your full time career.

There are a large number of students all over the world who are bearing their expenses by doing freelance work, or by teaching online, or making teaching videos, or some of them are very active on social media sites and doing vlogging and blogging. These are quite common and easy ways to earn money these days. And a large number of students all over the world are actively and happily doing the same to earn money online and off-line. As a student you too can start working from today only by sitting in your dorm room and can make good money which will help you to repay your private student loans.

Don’t Be Shy To Ask

I do remember one of the finest interviews of Steve Jobs where a reporter asked him why people fail? Mr. Jobs had replied in that interview by giving a quite amazing example of their childhood that people fail because they never ask. So never ever feel shy to ask for help when you are in need. When you will ask ten people for help then chances are if nince people will say no then there might be one person who can say yes to help you. And that one person’s help is all you need. So never fail to ask and save yourself from failing. It is a wise decision to ask someone for help rather than defaulting.

Refinance Your Private Student Loans

When you have done everything right from your side and still there are some situations where you are not able to repay your private student loan for some time. Then instead of being a defaulter which will impact you severely  and negatively you can choose an alternate option to refinance your student loan. The refinancing will save you from being default for some time and it will make things easier for you. However after refinancing you should do your best to make yourself debt free by clearing off your private student loans as earliest as you can. 


Whether it is a private student loan or federal student loan, a loan is a liability to you. So it is always a wise decision to keep your student life in control. And distance yourself from things which might be costly to you and can put additional financial burden on you. As a student you should always keep control over your expenses and unwanted things must be avoided.

Once you will complete your study then it will be a new beginning for you. You can achieve whatever you want and can craft your life the way you want to. So always plan things accordingly and save yourself from default on private student loans. Because opportunities like the Biden Student Loan Forgiveness program is not meant for everyone, it is not meant for private student loans and not everyone is qualified to take advantage of it.

You may also like to read – HDFCCREDILA – HDFC Credila Student Loan Refinance Vs Other Private Loans

Avoid Default On Private Student Loans FAQs

Who is eligible for private student loans?

if you are of 18 years of age or above and if you are a permanent citizen of the country and you are able to show proof of your enrollment in a recognized school, college or university then you are eligible for a private student loan.

Is it possible to take private student loans without cosigner?

Yes, it is possible to take private student loans without cosigner however to get private student loans without cosigner you need to proove your source of income and you must hold a good cibil credit score.

What are best private student loans?

Private student loans are being offered by many lender these days and they all are offering various offers to lure the students. However the student loans who have lower interest rate, flexible repayment term and less processing fees and late payment charges or considered to be best private student loans.

Is it possible to get private student loans for bad credit?

It is quite difficult to get approval for private student loans if you and your cosigner have bad credit scores. However there are some lending companies who are offering loans for bad credit but their interest rates and other conditions are quite high and little difficult to afford.

What are the private student loans interest rate?

Private student loans interest rate start with minimum 1.99% per annum to 12.99% per annum in the United States. In India and other countries it varies one lending company to another based on some factors. Such as loan amount, duration, repayment terms, cosigner, and such.

Can I get private student loan for graduate school?

If your school is recognized and accredited school from your state then yes you may get private student loan however you need to find out with some lending companies in your states regarding the same.

About Kumar Singh

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Kumar Ravishanker Singh is a Founder, Editor, Creative Director, and Content Creator. He holds a bachelor degree from University of Delhi (DU), India. And a diploma from University of Cambridge, England, United Kingdom.

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