5 Best Green Shares To Invest For Long Term

Today green shares are hot trending shares in the stock market due to its predicted and proven long term growth. Seasoned stock investors use their intelligence to invest for the long term. Since investing for the long term is the best investment strategy. Long term investing is always a smart investment decision. The hunger to adopt sustainable economic growth and find the best eco-friendly energy solution has attracted innovation, research and development and heavy investment as well in the green energy field. Hence green energy shares aka green shares are the best investment shares for the long term today. Which you can buy to make your stock portfolio strong and profitable.

Green Shares
5 Best Green Shares To Invest For Long Term- Loanvent.com. Graphic by Kumar Singh

Here we have listed the 5 best green shares to invest for the long term based on their past profit performance and future growth predictions.

1. Adani Green Energy

Adani Green got listed on BSE and NSE on 18th June 2018 at ₹28.9 per share. And with steady growth and profit margin now when we are writing this post it is trading at ₹2,253.30 per share. You can see the potential of Adani green shares and how its price went up in just 4 years. Whoever had invested in Adani green energy shares in the early days must be feeling lucky to themselves.

With announcement of Mr. Adani’s $100 billion investment in India for next 10 years, Adani share’s price are booming each day.The market capitalization is also great. Long term future plans are great and demand for green energy is growing great.Therefore you won’t go wrong with Adani green shares if you buy today for a long term investment.

2. KP Energy

KP energy limited is pioneer in providing renewable energy by using wind turbines technology to produce power. The best part is it is a fairly new company into business and experts are predicting that soon it will compete with Adani Energy. So investing in KP energy is a brilliant idea today. Its shares are trading at ₹399.10 only at the time of writing this post. In coming years it may book great profit.

3. Zodiac Energy Limited

Zodiac energy is the best solar energy company with great growth potential in India today. This Ahmedabad, Gujarat based green energy company’s shares are trading at ₹146.55 only for now and in coming years if it can’t touch the heights of Adani Energy and KP energy then still it may give good profit margin in long term depending on the company’s investment plan and expansion. You won’t go wrong with your investment in the long term with Zodiac Energy Shares. 

4. Websol Energy Systems Limited

Websol energy system is an old company which was incorporated in 1990 but it is still unknown to many of us. Websol energy is a leading manufacturer of solar cells. This west bengal based company shares are trading at very low price ₹100 or less. Based on its past performance its shares are going to give quite a good return. Hence buying this green energy share at a low price is a great opportunity for long term investment.

5. Borosil Renewables

Borosil Renewables is the only company in India which manufactures solar glass which gets used in solar power systems. Founded in 1962 Borosil Renewables has a market cap of ₹7,603 crore. Its shares are trading now at ₹582 at the time of writing this post. And the company’s future plans are solid too based on the demand of solar energy. Hence you won’t go wrong with borosil renewable green energy shares.

5 Best Green Shares To Invest For Long Term FAQs

How Can I Buy Green Shares?

Green Shares are shares of Green Energy producing companies, which are also called Green Energy Share. To buy green shares you need to have a demand account then with your demat account you can buy green shares of any green energy company with any reputed stock broker.

Is it profitable to buy Adani Green Shares?

Adani Green Energy company is a reputed company with a very good performance track record in the past and its future plans are clear and concise too where they are going to invest heavily in the green energy sector. Hence buying Adani green energy shares might be profitable in the long term.

Should I Invest in Low Price Green Shares?

Green energy is the future of the energy ecosystem and a number of companies are investing in green energy. Some are bigger and some are smaller but experts are predicting that all green energy companies will do well in the coming 5 to 10 years. So if your plan is to invest for the long term then of course you can invest in low price green shares since it might be profitable to you.


Green energy shares are evergreen shares. And regardless of whether you are a seasoned investor or fairly new into stock trading, if your plan is to invest money for long term return then Green Energy Shares aka Green Shares are the way to invest.

Must Read – Green Energy Stocks are Among High Return Investment Shares

About Kumar Singh

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Kumar Ravishanker Singh is a Founder, Editor, Creative Director, and Content Creator. He holds a bachelor degree from University of Delhi (DU), India. And a diploma from University of Cambridge, England, United Kingdom.

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