I Received A Check From CFPB is it Real – Here is The Best Way to Know

I Received A Check From CFPB Is It Real – Here’s How You Can Know – If you have received a Check from Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) then it is very easy to know if it is real or not. It is not always a scam. Often CFPB does some enforcement action against some people or companies for violating a consumer financial protection law. And as a result of this consumer financial protection law (CFPB) , find out you are eligible for getting a refund. The check you might have received  directly from CFPB or from the company who has been sued by the consumer finance protection bureau.

Check From CFPB
Check From CFPB. Graphic by Kumar Singh

Here is How You can Know If Check Is Real

The easiest way to find out whether a received Check is real or fake, simply make a phone call to CFPB number between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time Monday to Friday. And let the CFPB executive know about it. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will never ask you for money upfront. If anyone is asking you to give money upfront to cash the cheque then it is not a real Check. Because the CFPB will never ask you for upfront payment. If you are an eligible person then you have all rights to get it cashed since you were a harmed consumer of someone’s wrongdoing.

The other methods to verify whether received CFPB Check is real, you can view CFPB payments by case by visiting this CFPB Check Payments Link.

You may look through the listed case and find out your details if there is any record in your name. You may also be able to recognize the person or entity who has been sued by the consumer financial protection bureau for the wrongdoing and you are getting a refund for that.

Sometimes the consumer financial protection bureau does not issue the check itself. Instead the person or entity who has been sued issues a check. So you may carefully look at the Check and find out the issuer company, bank or person name. And based on that you may call back to them and let the company, bank or person know about the check. If the check is real then they will recognize it and you will be able to cash it. But if someone is asking you to pay some money upfront then it is not a real check. Because the consumer financial protection bureau will never ask you for money upfront to cash the check.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Check FAQs

Why did you receive a check from CFPB?

If you have not submitted a claim and you have received a check from CFPB then it is because the consumer financial protection bureau has identified you as a harmed consumer in a case. And CFPB has found your information from the defendant’s records.

What Should You Do If You Have Received A Check?

If you have received a check from CFPB then you may find your information regarding this at the CFPB official website under enforcement and payments-harmed-consumers payments by case Here at this CFPB web address, Or you may make a phone call to CFPB 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. easter time, Monday through Friday and can know more about this.


Now you know that if you have received check from CFPB then how you can verify if received check is real. However you should always do remember one thing that no any bank or entity will ask you for money upfront if they are about to refund you or pay you. If anyone is asking upfront money then most probably you have not received a real check and you should be cautious about this.

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About Kumar Singh

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Kumar Ravishanker Singh is a Founder, Editor, Creative Director, and Content Creator. He holds a bachelor degree from University of Delhi (DU), India. And a diploma from University of Cambridge, England, United Kingdom.

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