Personal Loan For Delivery Boys of Food Delivery Apps? Novel Advise 2022

Personal Loan For Delivery Boys and Financial Aids – We are living in a fast paced gig economy now. Where time is money. Every single small to big company is doing whatever they can do to cut the cost and improve their profit margin or survive in the competition. But no any big or small quick-commerce or ecommerce companies are doing any big thing to provide financial aids to delivery boys. Personal loan for delivery boys must be provided if not as big amount then at least some small amount as a personal loan for delivery boy will be a big help when they are in need of it.

Top Food Delivery App Companies

Food delivery apps like Seamless which is at number one spot in the United States for delivering food, then comes GrubHub, Uber Eats, Postmates, DoorDash and there are many more new food delivery apps in and around the entire United States. Same goes for India where Zomato and Swiggy are competing neck to neck to grab the number one spot in the business. And then comes UberEats, Food Panda and such.

Cashbacks, Discounts Coupons, and Offers to Customers to Order Food from Their Food Delivery Platforms

These food delivery apps companies these days lure a lot of customers who are ordering food by their platform and offering them quite good discounts. But it makes me wonder why these food delivery companies are not doing a little extra to improve the happiness index of their Food Delivery Partners. They call delivery boys their food delivery partners. And on the paper they promise a lot and advertise many great slogans to show-off that they are doing so much to take care of their delivery boys.

Personal Loan For Delivery Boys
Personal Loan For Delivery Boys of Food Delivery Apps – Loanvent

Problems Faced by Food Delivery Boys

But reality is totally opposite. I happen to order food online almost every day. And I do talk with each delivery executive about how they are feeling about their delivery job. What salary, commission and other perks they are getting by their delivery companies they are working for. And it really surprised me to see that the majority of the delivery boys working with these food delivery apps are not happy with their job. Then it is easily understood that how these companies can arrange personal loan for deliveery boys?

Truth of Food Delivery Apps Companies

The only reason for that is companies have imposed very strict inhuman policies on the delivery boys. No matter what, whether it is good weather or rainy season or extreme hot weather or too cold, for any reason if they fail to reach on time or any unforeseen circumstances happens with them then companies don’t care for that. 

In most cases they cut their hard earned commission, or they shut their work ID for a few hours to some days with no reason. This is totally unacceptable. Food delivery boys work in very harsh working environments and they are human beings. They are not robotic machines. They deserve some rest and peace of mind too.

Why Personal Loan For Delivery Boys is Important?

Food delivery boys have their financial needs and they do have family too. They also need funds in some unforeseen situations. Due to their work profile no banking or lending companies will offer them personal loans or any type of instant cash loans. So if they fall into some situations then where will they go?

Whee Delivery Boys Should Go for Personal Loan?

Of Course they should look to their employer for help. Food delivery companies must have such facilities to provide some small financial assistance as personal loan for delivery boys or instant cash loans.

Solutions Food Delivery Apps Companies Can Bring for Delivery Boys

Companies may ask the delivery boys to repay the lending amount in small EMI installments either on daily basis or weekly or monthly. This way personal loan for delivery boys can be brought in reality. It will be a great help to them. It will be a great help to the food delivery boys. And they will feel safe with their employer.

Ignorance of Big Business Owners

We see several emotional stories on the internet and I have seen many big business men who make comments on social media for those emotional stories and videos. But the food delivery apps and food delivery boys quick commerce industry is being ignored by everyone.

What Food Delivery Apps Companies Should Do for Food Delivery Boys?

These food delivery companies should come forward to take one good step and should protect the rights of their delivery partners, their delivery boys who contribute to the growth of the company by providing non stop on-time delivery services.

Impact of Delivery Boys Hard Work Without Financial Security

These food delivery apps companies are making big bucks and doing everything they can to acquire loyal customers. But they are ignoring their delivery partners who deserve equal happiness than their managers and company owners.

Food Delivery FAQs

What Problem Food Delivery Boys Faces?

The main problem they face is the delivery app they are working for can terminate their account anytime without giving any valid reasons. Apps can block their ID for some hours to for some days and can cut their hard earn delivery commisions. And apps will give no valid reason for this. Suppose a Delivery Boy stuck in heavy rain or their bike or motorcycle creates some issues or if they meet any accident or if they faces any issue from the customer then delivery apps often impose penalty and punishes directly or indierctly to the delivery boy only. And also deliery boy do not have any financial security in a situation where he or she need some urgent cash.

Can I Get Loan From Swiggy?

No, right now Swiggy do not provide any loan to delivery boys or they do not provide any finanical aid or financial security.

Can I Get Instant Cash Loan From Seamless Food Delivery App Company?

No, you cant get any type of loan from these companies since they do not offer any fianancial security for their delivery partners.


A small change in this industry will change the lives of millions of delivery boys working round-the-clock all over the world to satisfy our hunger. Therefore whoever ordering food online must be generous, kind, and polite with the food delivery boys. Since if they cant help them by giving some extra tip then a big smile and hello to them will make them feel good and it will satisfy them.

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About Kumar Singh

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Kumar Ravishanker Singh is a Founder, Editor, Creative Director, and Content Creator. He holds a bachelor degree from University of Delhi (DU), India. And a diploma from University of Cambridge, England, United Kingdom.

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