Who Profits From Interest On Credit Card Debt? You Must Know

If you are wondering who profits from interest on credit card debt, then here in this article we are providing you with all the information you need regarding your credit card, interest on credit card, and credit card debt. We will also list three ways the credit card industry makes money off of customers, credit card companies make the most profit from, how do credit card companies make money if you pay in full, credit card profitability model, where does credit card money come from, what are all the ways you spend more money when you pay with a credit card, how do credit card companies make money on 0 interest, and how do credit card companies make money in India.

Who Profits From Interest On Credit Card Debt
Who Profits From Interest On Credit Card Debt? – Loanvent. Graphic by Kumar Singh

In short, credit card companies make a lot of money and earn profits from it. There are several ways a credit card company makes profit from. Such as credit card companies’ profits from processing fees, interests charged on your balance, annual fees which credit card holders pay to credit card companies for the privilege.

And it is not just just the credit card holders by whom a credit card company makes profits from, it is the merchants too who pays to credit card for accepting the credit cards. These charges often merchants pay to credit card companies as a small transaction fee on every transaction they accept with a credit card.

Credit card expenses are indirect debt and you owe the bank money and you are able to pay back the credit card money back to the credit card company every month as your credit card bills. So use and spend the credit card wisely since the credit card balance which you will carry for the next month is a debt for you as credit card debt and you will pay heavy interest on this. Credit card debt interest rates are way higher than any other personal loans. So be careful and use wisely. Don’t overspend so that you can pay back monthly. Stay within your income’s limit.

Now The Straightforward Question Is Who Profits From Interest On Credit Card Debt?

The answer to this question is credit card issuer banks earn profits from interest on credit card debt.

Here is the list of three ways the credit card industry makes money off of customers.

Annual Fee On Your Credit Card

This is the most common way the credit card industry makes money off of customers. However this is a very small percentage of their profit since the credit card industry makes money from several other ways which we are going to discuss next and the money credit card companies make off of customers through these are their main source of income.

Interest on Credit Card

Whenever you carry a credit card balance for next month by not paying the credit card billed amounts in full, then credit card companies charge you higher interest rates for that balance. These interests on your credit card balance amount is profit for the credit card company. These card balances are credit card debt for you and credit card companies earn their profit on these credit card debts.

Credit Card Transactions and Miscellaneous Charges

Credit card companies provide the privilege to their customers to carry the card and make spendings for their various purposes. Such as shopping online and offline, dineout, to buy anything you want, pay medical bills and several others. But when you make the payment with your credit card then you do not pay the cash to the merchant or you do not pay directly from your bank savings account or debit card.

Instead your transaction amount gets deducted from your credit card and you pay this transacted amount as your credit card bill monthly. So here credit card is giving you facility to pay the money back after a few days and this few days gap is your privilege for having a credit card.

But the merchant you transacted with gets money instantly in their merchant account. So to allow this facility to the merchant credit card companies do charge some small percentage on every transaction from the merchant as credit card processing fees. And this small percentage on every transaction from merchants also contributes a big chunk of profits for credit card companies.

These credit card transaction fees may vary merchant to merchant and one credit card to another based on the credit card company policy. But often these transaction fees or credit card processing charges are somewhere between 1% to 3% on every transaction.

From Where Credit Card Companies Make the Most Profit from?

Credit card companies make most of their profit from credit card debts which a credit card holder carries as a balance by not paying the full credit card billed amount.

And another way for credit card companies to make the most profit from is the merchant transaction fees which is also called credit card processing charge.

How do credit card companies make money if you pay in full?

If you pay your credit card bill in full then still credit card companies make money from the merchant you have used your credit card to make your purchases.

Merchants do pay to credit card companies on every transaction as small credit card transaction fees. These transaction fees may vary depending on the merchant and credit card issuer company somewhere between 1% to 3%.

What is the credit card profitability model?

There are several direct and indirect profit models which credit card companies are using as their profitability model.

Such as credit card annual fees charged from credit card holders, interest charged on balance amount which a credit card holder fails to pay in full for any given month, late payment charge, loan on credit card, transaction fees charged from merchant.

And besides all these profitability models, credit card companies are earning big profits from online ecommerce marketplaces, off-line and online stores, and from many brands they partner with to lure the customers by offering them offers on purchases and by providing EMI facilities to buy the product.

Where does credit card money come from?

Credit card money comes from the credit card issuer bank or the issuer companies. These credit card issuer banks and companies do use their funds to allow customers to enjoy the privilege of having a credit card. Credit card holders payback these money to the credit card issuer bank or company by paying as their monthly credit card bills.

What are all the ways you spend more money when you pay with a credit card?

With growing lifestyle, habits of easy access to services, movie-tickets, social reputation, and privilege to enjoy luxury, We often spend more money on online and off-line shopping, fashion, Dine-in or dine out in restaurants, quick commerce, and entertainment services such as Netflix and other OTT platforms.

How do credit card companies make money on 0 interest?

Credit card companies make money from several different sources. Their advertisement of 0% interest is to pull your attention and lure you to hold the credit card and use the card.

But indirectly there are several methods a credit card company uses to make money. Such as offering EMI facility, late fee penalty, interest on balance, annual fees, merchant transaction fees, and direct sponsored association with brands where those partnered brands do provide credit card companies some percentage of commission for the purchases made with respective credit cards.

How do credit card companies earn commission from brands on shopping?

The rapid growth of online shopping, these days several brands and ecommerce companies make partnerships by doing some agreement to earn some percentage of commission on every sale which comes by using a respective credit card.

To attract customers, credit card companies are these days offering 0% interest on EMI. And this 0% marketing tactic on EMI attracts many credit card holders to make spending and shop for things regardless of whether they need or they can afford.

These spending habits of customers contribute to sales for the brands and ecommerce companies and in return these ecommerce merchants or brands do share some percentage of their profits with the credit card companies.

How Can You Avoid Credit Card Debt?

If you hold a credit card and you have become dependent on it then make sure you pay your monthly bills on time and do not carry the balance to pay next month.

Since it will attract some penalties from credit card companies and also you will pay higher interests on the balance amount which is often way higher than a personal loan.

You also restrain yourself from withdrawing cash from your credit card by ATMs. Because when you withdraw cash from your credit card then it is considered as a credit card loan by the credit card issuer.

And for this withdrawn cash your credit card bank or company may charge you some percentage of the cash plus higher interest. Which is certainly not good in any manner. 


Now you know who profits from interest on credit card debt? However having a credit card is no doubt a privilege and not everyone can be eligible for a credit card since credit card issuer banks and companies offer credit cards to the customers who have some stable source of income. But as a credit card holder you must know all the pros and cons of credit and you should use it smartly and wisely. Never ever spend more than you can afford to pay.

So credit card spending is directly associated with your monthly income. If you fail to pay your credit card bills on time then you would have to pay heavy penalties, high interest rates on the balance amount since credit card amount is a credit card debt for you. You must pay on time. Because poor payment habits not only will put you in financial trouble, even your CIBIL Credit Scores will be impacted negatively too.

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About Kumar Singh

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Kumar Ravishanker Singh is a Founder, Editor, Creative Director, and Content Creator. He holds a bachelor degree from University of Delhi (DU), India. And a diploma from University of Cambridge, England, United Kingdom.

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